Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

My 123 Boardbook Set - 24 Mini Block Books with a Playboard to Practice the Number 1 to 10 (160k)

My 123 Boardbook Set - 24 Mini Block Books with a Playboard to Practice the Number 1 to 10(BBS-MN-123)Price Rp 160.000 1 set isi 24 mini block books. Tiap buku ukuran 4x4cm ketebalan buku 4cm (sangat...
My 123 Boardbook Set - 24 Mini Block Books with a Playboard to Practice the Number 1 to 10
Price Rp 160.000 
1 set isi 24 mini block books. Tiap buku ukuran 4x4cm ketebalan buku 4cm (sangat tebal sehingga tiap bukunya berbentuk seperti block). Tiap buku isi 10 pages. - Kemasan box. - ukuran box 25x17.5x4cm - Language: English - Published by Alligator Books Ltd. London - Estimasi berat: 1kg

1 set berisi 24 mini block book. Tiap bukunya berukuran 4x4cm ketebalan 4cm, jadi bentuk bukunya seperti block (tiap halamannya terbuat dari board yang sangat tebal, kualitas bahan sangat bagus). Tiap bukunya berisi berbagai macam gambar benda-benda disekitar kita untuk mengenalkan number 1 sampai 10 dan counting, juga sekaligus mengenalkan banyak new words.
Dilengkapi dengan playboard (terbuat dari board tebal tidak bisa sobek) dimana anak bisa memainkan block book nya di atas playboard tersebut. Anak bisa belajar mencocokan angka dengan menaruh block book di kotak yang benar sesuai angka di playboard nya. Juga ada simple practice mengenai operasi matematika penambahan dan pengurangan.
Belajar tentang numbers jadi fun banget deh :) menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

My Pretty Pink LunchBox Learning (160k)

My Pretty Pink LunchBox Learning (contains 36 Matching Game Cards, My Pretty Pink Counting Bag Board Book, My Pretty Pink Word Bag Board Book)(PUZ-LCHBOX-PINK)Price Rp 160.000 Isi: - 36 cards untuk...
My Pretty Pink LunchBox Learning (contains 36 Matching Game Cards, My Pretty Pink Counting Bag Board Book, My Pretty Pink Word Bag Board Book)
Price Rp 160.000 
- 36 cards untuk matching game (bahan board tebal), tiap card ukuran 5.5x4.3cm.
- My Pretty Pink Counting Board Book & My Pretty Pink Word Board Book (tiap buku ukuran 12x13cm isi 10 board pages) - Kemasan Box (bahan metal, kualitas bagus banget, ada tentengan) - Ukuran Box 20 x 15.5cm ketebalan 7cm - Language: English - Published by Make Believe Ideas, Ltd UK - Estimasi berat: 650 grams

Kereen banget deh, kemasannya berbentuk seperti lunchbox dengan tentengan di bagian atas (bahan box dari metal kualitas bagus).
Di dalamnya berisi:
- 36 kartu bergambar untuk bermain matching game
- My Pretty Pink Counting Board Book berisi pengenalan angka 1 sampai 10 dengan gambar-gambar cantik dan serba pink.
- My Pretty Pink Word Board Book berisi pengenalan nama-nama benda di sekitar kita yang serba pink.
Setelah selesai bermain dan belajar, semua dapat dimasukkan kembali ke box nya dan siap untuk ditenteng kemana-kemana deh ;) menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Junior Encyclopedia Do You Know (100k)

Junior Encyclopedia Do You Know (ENCY-JUN-KNOW)Price Rp 100.000 220 pages (kertas glossy) - Hard Cover - 12.5x15.5cm - Language: English - Published by Sterling Publishers Limited - Estimasi berat: 400...
Junior Encyclopedia Do You Know (ENCY-JUN-KNOW)
Price Rp 100.000

220 pages (kertas glossy) - Hard Cover - 12.5x15.5cm - Language: English - Published by Sterling Publishers Limited - Estimasi berat: 400 grams

Why is the desert dry? Why do leaves change colour in autumn? Why does the sun shine? How big is the universe? When did dinosaurs become extinct? Who invented papers? Dan ada begitu banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan menarik lainnya yg dibahas secara lengkap di buku ini.
Disertai foto dan ilustrasi gambar yang colourful dan menarik. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak,
seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books,
sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.
Warehouse Location: Jakarta,
Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083  PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Learning Good Manners with Pepper includes 12 Stories (140k)

Learning Good Manners with Pepper includes 12 Stories (STR-PEPP-MANN) Price Rp 140.000 menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris...
Learning Good Manners with Pepper includes 12 Stories (STR-PEPP-MANN)
Price Rp 140.000 menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Fisher Price Jungle Animals - A Fold-Out Board Book with Mirror (90k)

Fisher Price Jungle Animals - A Fold-Out Board Book with Mirror(FP-FOLD-JUNGANI)Price Rp 90.000 6 board pages bisa dibuka jadi panjang bolak-balik (dari board) - Hard Cover - Uk buku 19x19cm, Setelah...
Fisher Price Jungle Animals - A Fold-Out Board Book with Mirror
Price Rp 90.000 
6 board pages bisa dibuka jadi panjang bolak-balik (dari board) - Hard Cover - Uk buku 19x19cm, Setelah halamannya dibuka lipatannya menjadi 110cmx19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 400 grams

Yuk kenalkan nama-nama jungle animals ke anak dengan gambar-gambar yang cute dan sangat colourful di buku yang seru ini!
Halamannya bisa dibuka jadi panjaaaang (bolak-balik) ;) di halaman terakhir ada mirror (soft mirror).
Anak pasti seru banget meng-explore buku ini. Sangat recommended untuk baby tummy-time play ;) menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Seek and Find Princess - Find a Charm Book - Over 1001 Things to Seek and Find ( 100k)

Seek and Find Princess - Find a Charm Book - Over 1001 Things to Seek and Find (includes a princess charm bracelet) (LF-CHARM-PRIN)Price Rp 100.000 26 pages (kertas tebal glossy) - Hard Cover - 23...
Seek and Find Princess - Find a Charm Book - Over 1001 Things to Seek and Find (includes a princess charm bracelet) (LF-CHARM-PRIN)
Price Rp 100.000
26 pages (kertas tebal glossy) - Hard Cover - 23 x 27cm - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 500 grams

Seru banget neh berisi activity look and find untuk anak! Di tiap halamannya ada gambar busy scene (gambar yang penuh/rame) mengenai kegiatan Princess Jasmine di istana dan kemudian ada list gambar-gambar yang harus anak cari dan temukan di busy scenenya. Contoh cari "1 cat", "2 emeralds", "3 doves", "4 coins", dan lain-lain.
Dan serunya lagi, ada bonus princess charm bracelet (gelang) yang pastinya akan membuat si kecil menjadi tambah cantik ketika mengenakannya ;)
Sangat bermanfaat untuk melatih konsentrasi, fokus, ketelitian dan kesabaran anak. Juga untuk menambah vocab anak, belajar number dan counting.

Very recommended! menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia (75k)

Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia (CHIL-ENCY)Price Rp 75.000 78 pages - Hard Cover - 21x28cm - Language: English - Published by Alligator Books Ltd. London - Estimasi berat: 400 grams Berisi berbagai...
Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia (CHIL-ENCY)
Price Rp 75.000

78 pages - Hard Cover - 21x28cm - Language: English - Published by Alligator Books Ltd. London - Estimasi berat: 400 grams

Berisi berbagai macam informasi menarik untuk menambah knowledge anak disertai dengan gambar-gambar foto yang nyata dan colourful.
Isinya mencakup tema: The Universe, Our Planet, The Natural World, The Human Body, Science & Technology, From Past to Present.
Pada bagian terakhir terdapat index. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Kids Create Make Your Own TRANSPORT Figures (65k)

Kids Create Make Your Own TRANSPORT Figures (KIDC-FIGR-TRS)Price Rp 65.000 Isi: plaster, 5 paints, 1 brush, 6 transport moulds - Ukuran kemasan 19.5 x 25cm - - Language: English - Published by Anker...
Kids Create Make Your Own TRANSPORT Figures (KIDC-FIGR-TRS)
Price Rp 65.000
Isi: plaster, 5 paints, 1 brush, 6 transport moulds - Ukuran kemasan 19.5 x 25cm - - Language: English - Published by Anker Publishing & Entertainment Ltd United Kingdom - Estimasi berat: 400 grams

Cara membuatnya:
- Campurkan plaster nya sesuai dengan instruksi yang tercantum.
- Setelah tercampur rata, tuangkan ke cetakan (ada 6 cetakan) dan biarkan sampai mengeras.
- Setelah keras dan kering keluarkan dari cetakan kemudian lukis/warnai dengan paint (5 warna) & brush yang sudah include.
- Biarkan sampai cat nya kering dan Transport figures yang keren siap untuk dipajang dan dimainkan ;)
Untuk usia 5 tahun ke atas. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

First Words Little Library Pull Along includes 4 Chunky Books (100k)

First Words Little Library Pull Along includes 4 Chunky Books (BBS-CHUNLL-FWORD)Price Rp 100.000 1 box set isi 4 board book. Tiap board book ukuran 7x7cm ketebalan 3.3cm isi 8 board pages (bahan board...
First Words Little Library Pull Along includes 4 Chunky Books (BBS-CHUNLL-FWORD)
Price Rp 100.000

1 box set isi 4 board book. Tiap board book ukuran 7x7cm ketebalan 3.3cm isi 8 board pages (bahan board super tebal) - Kemasan: Box ukuran 20x7x9cm - - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 650 grams

Yuk belajar mengenal first words dengan board book set yang cute & colourful ini!
Berisi 4 board book: Bathtime, Baby Animals, Bedtime, First Words.
Tiap buku berisi foto & nama benda-benda di sekitar kita.
Bahan board bukunya super duper tebal sehingga bukunya terlihat seperti block/balok bisa dimainkan ditumpuk-tumpuk jg :D
Di box nya ada tali sehingga bisa ditarik-tarik (pull along). menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Kids Create Numbers Operation Wipe-Clean Flashcards with wipe clean pen (55k)

Kids Create Numbers Operation Wipe-Clean Flashcards with wipe clean pen (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) (KIDC-FLASH-WC-NUM) Price   Rp 55.000  Isi 26 wipe-clean cards...
Kids Create Numbers Operation Wipe-Clean Flashcards with wipe clean pen (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) (KIDC-FLASH-WC-NUM)
Price   Rp 55.000 
Isi 26 wipe-clean cards ukuran 7x12cm - Box ukuran 10x13.5cm ketebalan 2cm (kemasan: plastic pouch with zipper) - - Language: English - Published by Anker Publishing & Entertainment Ltd United Kingdom - Estimasi berat: 200 grams
Yuk latihan mengerjakan soal-soal number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division) dengan flashcards set ini. Total ada 75 soal. Anak bisa mengerjakannya dengan pen/marker yg sudah tersedia dan bisa dihapus lagi (dengan tissue) jadi anak bisa berlatih berulang-ulang. Ada 1 kartu yang berisi kunci jawabannya. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Letterland My First Handwriting Activity Book - Develop First Rhyming Skills (90k)

Letterland My First Handwriting Activity Book - Develop First Rhyming Skills (LTRL-ACT-HAND1)Price   Rp 90.000 24 pages - Soft Cover - 22x28cm - Language: English - Published by Letterland...
Letterland My First Handwriting Activity Book - Develop First Rhyming Skills (LTRL-ACT-HAND1)
Price   Rp 90.000 
24 pages - Soft Cover - 22x28cm - Language: English - Published by Letterland UK - Estimasi berat: 200 grams
This fun-filled activity book is a great starting point for your child as they become fascinated with making marks on paper and want to begin forming letter shapes. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Little Lamb Board Book with Finger Puppet (85k)

Little Lamb Board Book with Finger Puppet (FPWIG-IGL-LAMB)Price   Rp 85.000 10 board pages (board nya tebal) + finger puppet (dari kain bulu halus lembut) - Board Cover - 12.5x212.5cm ketebalan...
Little Lamb Board Book with Finger Puppet (FPWIG-IGL-LAMB)
Price   Rp 85.000 
10 board pages (board nya tebal) + finger puppet (dari kain bulu halus lembut) - Board Cover - 12.5x212.5cm ketebalan 1.7cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 250 grams
Cerita tentang petualangan Little Lamb yang terpisah dari ibunya dan dia berusaha mencari ibu nya dengan bantuan binatang-binatang lainnya.
Gambar sangat cute dan colourful.
Ada finger puppet di tengah bukunya yang bisa dimainkan sambil membacakan ceritanya ke anak. 
Storytime bersama si kecil jadi lebih interactive dan menyenangkan tentunya ;) menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Disney Princess Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (135k)

Disney Princess Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (32-page Book, 6 grey-lead pencils, 6 coloured pencils, 12 Princess erasers) (DRW-PENCSET-PRIN)Price   Rp 135.000 Book isi 32...
Disney Princess Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (32-page Book, 6 grey-lead pencils, 6 coloured pencils, 12 Princess erasers) (DRW-PENCSET-PRIN)
Price   Rp 135.000 
Book isi 32 halaman, 6 pensil tulis (pensil biasa), 6 pensil warna, 12 penghapus motif Disney Frozen Fever - Kemasan plastik kaku - Ukuran kemasan 24x23cm - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 500 grams
Bukunya berisi panduan step-by-step & drawing tips untuk menggambar macam-macam bentuk dan juga ada semacam fun quiz untuk dikerjakan anak.Dilengkapi dengan 6 pensil tulis (pensil biasa), 6 pensil warna, 12 penghapus bergambar tokoh-tokoh Disney Princess. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Disney Pixar Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (135k)

Disney Pixar Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (32-page Book, 6 grey-lead pencils, 6 coloured pencils, 12 Disney Pixar erasers) (DRW-PENCSET-PIXAR)Price   Rp 135.000 Book isi 32...
Disney Pixar Doodling Fun! Book & Pencil-Eraser Set (32-page Book, 6 grey-lead pencils, 6 coloured pencils, 12 Disney Pixar erasers) (DRW-PENCSET-PIXAR)
Price   Rp 135.000 
Book isi 32 halaman, 6 pensil tulis (pensil biasa), 6 pensil warna, 12 penghapus motif Disney Pixar - Kemasan plastik kaku - Ukuran kemasan 24x23cm - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 500 grams
Bukunya berisi panduan step-by-step & drawing tips untuk menggambar macam-macam bentuk dan juga ada semacam fun quiz untuk dikerjakan anak.Dilengkapi dengan 6 pensil tulis (pensil biasa), 6 pensil warna, 12 penghapus bergambar tokoh-tokoh Disney Pixar. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Friends for Life Board Book (with touch & feel texture on front cover) (50k)

Friends for Life Board Book (with touch & feel texture on front cover) (TF-RACH-FRIE)Price   Rp 50.000 10 board pages - Board Cover (with fur texture) - 20 x 20cm - Language: English...
Friends for Life Board Book (with touch & feel texture on front cover) (TF-RACH-FRIE)
Price   Rp 50.000 
10 board pages - Board Cover (with fur texture) - 20 x 20cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 350 grams
Berisi cerita yang sweet tentang friends dengan gambar foto-foto anjing, kucing dan kelinci yang lucu-lucuu.Di cover depannya ada texture bulu halus. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Rainbow Zoo a colours board book (65k)

Rainbow Zoo a colours board book (EBR-TAB-RAINZOO) Price   Rp 65.000  10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat:...
Rainbow Zoo a colours board book (EBR-TAB-RAINZOO)
Price   Rp 65.000 
10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 250 grams
Kenalkan macam-macam colours dengan gambar yang sangat cute & colorful di buku ini. Di sebelah kanan bukunya ada tab nya sehingga si kecil mudah membolak-balikkan halaman bukunya. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Dinosaur Big, Dinosaur Small an opposites board book (65k)

Dinosaur Big, Dinosaur Small an opposites board book (EBR-TAB-DINOBIG)Price   Rp 65.000 10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK...
Dinosaur Big, Dinosaur Small an opposites board book (EBR-TAB-DINOBIG)
Price   Rp 65.000 
10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 250 grams
Kenalkan first words & opposites/lawan kata dengan gambar yang sangat cute & colorful di buku ini. Di sebelah kanan bukunya ada tab nya sehingga si kecil mudah membolak-balikkan halaman bukunya. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Under the Sea a counting board book (65k)

Under the Sea a counting board book (EBR-TAB-123SEA) Price   Rp 65.000 10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat:...
Under the Sea a counting board book (EBR-TAB-123SEA)
Price   Rp 65.000 
10 board pages - Board Cover - 19 x 19cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 250 grams
Kenalkan numbers & counting dari 1 sampai 5 bertemakan sea creatures dengan gambar yang sangat cute dan colorful di buku ini.Di sebelah kanan bukunya ada tab nya sehingga si kecil mudah membolak-balikkan halaman bukunya. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

My Pink and Pretty Backpack PINK OWL with 4 Books and 3000 Stickers (135k)

My Pink and Pretty Backpack PINK OWL with 4 Books and 3000 Stickers (STC-BOX-PINKOWL) Price   Rp 135.000 Berisi 4 buku (2 sticker activity book & 2 coloring and doodle book). Tiap...
My Pink and Pretty Backpack PINK OWL with 4 Books and 3000 Stickers (STC-BOX-PINKOWL)
Price   Rp 135.000 
Berisi 4 buku (2 sticker activity book & 2 coloring and doodle book). Tiap buku berisi 16 halaman (kertas tebal glossy) - Kemasan box ada tali di bagian belakang bisa dijadikan backpack. - Ukuran box: 22.5x27.5x3cm, ukuran buku 21.5x26.5cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 600 grams
Berisi 2 fun sticker activity book dan 2 fun colouring & doodle book berjudul: My Super-Cute Activity Book, My Amazing Activity Book, My Pretty Colouring Book, My Beautiful Doodle Book.
Sticker book nya berisi berbagai macam fun activity seperti mencari jalur dalam maze, find the differences, sticker puzzle, picture matching, dot-to-dot connecting, counting, dll.
Disertai dengan lebih dari 3000 stickers looh ;)
Kemasan box dan ada tali di bagian belakang bisa dijadikan backpack. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Hello Kitty Baby See and Say First Words Lift-the-Flap First Learning Board Book (130k)

Hello Kitty Baby See and Say First Words Lift-the-Flap First Learning Board Book (LTF-HK-BABYSEE-FWORD)Price   Rp 130.000 10 board pages with flap to lift on each page - Board Cover - 24x24cm...
Hello Kitty Baby See and Say First Words Lift-the-Flap First Learning Board Book (LTF-HK-BABYSEE-FWORD)
Price   Rp 130.000 
10 board pages with flap to lift on each page - Board Cover - 24x24cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 550 grams
Yuk kenalkan macam-macam first words bersama Hello Kitty and friends yang cute dan colourful banget di buku ini.
Ada question di tiap halaman, minta anak jawab dan buka flap nya untuk melihat jawabannya ;) Fun & educative banget!
Isinya berupa gambar-gambar dan namanya tentang Breakfast Time, Things in the Lounge, Things in the Garden, Things in the Kitchen, Farm Animals, Underwater Creatures, Party Time, Family Members, Bathtime, Bedtime menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Hello Kitty First Words Book & Flashcards (160k)

Hello Kitty First Words Book & Flashcards (Includes board book & 30 jigsaw cards for early learning matching fun) (BOX-BKFLASH-HK-FWORD)Price   Rp 160.000 Buku nya berisi 10 board...
Hello Kitty First Words Book & Flashcards (Includes board book & 30 jigsaw cards for early learning matching fun) (BOX-BKFLASH-HK-FWORD)
Price   Rp 160.000 
Buku nya berisi 10 board pages - Kemasan box ukuran 23x22x5cm - Ukuran buku 20x20cm. Ukuran card 8.5x6cm bahan board tebal keras - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 700 grams
Yuk kenalkan first words ke anak bersama Hello Kitty yang cute dan sangat colourful di buku nya.
Plus ada 30 jigsaw cards bergambar Hello Kitty dan benda-benda di sekitar kita untuk dipasang-pasangkan (matching game).
Pasangkan card gambar benda dan card nama benda nya. Di balik card-nya ada pertanyaan dan jawaban tentang benda-benda di sekitar kita. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Olly My Chunky Story Book ROYSTON THE FIRE ENGINE (70k)

Olly My Chunky Story Book ROYSTON THE FIRE ENGINE (CHUN-OLLY-REDFIRE)Price   Rp 70.000 10 board pages (bahan tiap halamannya dari board super tebal dan keras seperti papan, kualitas sangat...
Price   Rp 70.000 
10 board pages (bahan tiap halamannya dari board super tebal dan keras seperti papan, kualitas sangat bagus) - Board Cover - 15.5 x 11cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 250 grams 
Berisi cerita tentang petualangan Roysten the fire engine dan teman-temannya dalam serial Olly the little white van. Gambar colourful, kalimat pendek-pendek dan berirama (rhyming text). menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

My Treasury of Stories for Girls (105k)

My Treasury of Stories for Girls (STR-TREA-STRGIRL) Price   Rp 105.000  176 pages (kertas glossy) - Hard Cover - 22.5 x 27.5cm ketebalan 1.7cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books...
My Treasury of Stories for Girls (STR-TREA-STRGIRL)
Price   Rp 105.000 
176 pages (kertas glossy) - Hard Cover - 22.5 x 27.5cm ketebalan 1.7cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 900 grams
Berisi 23 cerita modern bertemakan girls, princess, fairy, dancer, mermaid, dll.Judul-judul ceritanya antara lain: Lucy's New Doll, Poppy's Puppy, The Spotty Pony, The Missing Candy, The Fairy Night Light, The Rainbow Fairy, Twinkle's Special Talent, Abigail's Perfect Pet, Cara the Dancer, etc. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Bella Blueberry Fairy - yummy scented chunky book (70k)

Bella Blueberry Fairy - yummy scented chunky book (CHUN-SCENT-BLUE)Price   Rp 70.000 10 board pages (bahan tiap halamannya dari board super tebal dan keras seperti papan, kualitas sangat...
Bella Blueberry Fairy - yummy scented chunky book (CHUN-SCENT-BLUE)
Price   Rp 70.000 
10 board pages (bahan tiap halamannya dari board super tebal dan keras seperti papan, kualitas sangat bagus) - Board Cover - 11 x 15cm - Language: English - Published by Autumn Publishing UK - Estimasi berat: 250 grams 
Berisi cerita tentang petualangan Bella Blueberry Fairy bersama teman-teman nya.
Gambar colourful, kalimat pendek-pendek dan berirama (rhyming text).
Uniknya, buku ini beraroma loh. Gosok-gosok bagian pinggiran kiri bukunya (bagian jilidan nya/spine) maka akan tercium aroma blueberry!! Kereen!! menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

My First Story Book with 27 wonderful stories for young readers (110k)

My First Story Book with 27 wonderful stories for young readers (STR-IGL-FRSTORY)Price   Rp 110.000 192 pages - Hard Cover - 19.5cm x 23cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books...
My First Story Book with 27 wonderful stories for young readers (STR-IGL-FRSTORY)
Price   Rp 110.000 
192 pages - Hard Cover - 19.5cm x 23cm - Language: English - Published by Igloo Books Ltd England - Estimasi berat: 750 grams
Berisi kumpulan cerita (27 cerita) dengan tokoh-tokoh binatang & gambar yang sangat colorful untuk anak usia 1-4 tahun.
Ada 6 cerita untuk usia 1 tahun, 6 cerita untuk usia 2 tahun, 8 cerita utk usia 3 tahun dan 7 cerita untuk usia 4 tahun.
Judul-judul ceritanya:
Stories for 1 Year Olds:
- The Bell on the Bus
- Bath Time for Bo
- Playtime Fun
- The Little Blue Train
- Bedtime Frogs
- Where's the Moon
Stories for 2 Year Olds:
- Amy's Game
- Fiona's Post
- Billy and Cuddles
- The Lost Yellow Ball
- Tomboy Tina
- Bedtime for Ted
Stories for 3 Years Olds:
- Carrie the Climber
- Bonny's Dolly
- Well Done, Leonard
- Bubbles Learns to Swim
- The Shiny, Red Shoes
- Don't Worry, Wanda
- Franky's Shadow
- Night, Night, Fred
Stories for 4 Year Olds:
- Walter to the Rescue
- Charlie's Big Dig
- Heather and the Weather
- The Big Toy Shop
- Alice's Surprise
- Nigel's Brush 
- Mum Says, "Goodnight" menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Sing & Learn Times Tables Write & Wipe Activity Book with Audio CD + Bonus Poster & Reward Stickers (170k)

Sing & Learn Times Tables Write & Wipe Activity Book with Audio CD + Bonus Poster & Reward Stickers (WC-SINGLRN-TMTBL-CD)Price   Rp 170.000 32 pages (wipe clean pages) - Hard...
Sing & Learn Times Tables Write & Wipe Activity Book with Audio CD + Bonus Poster & Reward Stickers (WC-SINGLRN-TMTBL-CD)
Price   Rp 170.000 
32 pages (wipe clean pages) - Hard Cover - 22 x 28.5cm (ketebalan 2cm) - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 550 grams
Belajar times tables/tabel perkalian dari 1 sampai 12 jadi sangat fun dan mudah bersama buku ini.
Bukunya berisi fun activity mengenai times tables disertai ilustrasi gambar menarik. Bisa ditulis-tulisi dengan pen yang telah tersedia & dapat dihapus lagi dengan tissue, jadi anak bisa mengerjakan latihannya berulang-ulang sampai anak benar-benar menguasainya :)
Ada audio CD berisi lagu-lagu untuk membantu anak menghafal tabel perkalian.
Ada sticker gold star untuk memberi reward ke anak.
Include poster berisi tabel perkalian 1 sampai 12. menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak, seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books, sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Warehouse Location: Jakarta, Hubungi kami di SMS/Whats Up: 087887788083 PIN BB: 7FA4E9CD
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