Price Rp 260.000
Isi 2 workbooks, CD-ROM with educational software, 1 set of flash cards, wipe-clean mat, 3 wipe-clean pens/markers. - Kemasan box tenteng ukuran 36x30cm ketebalan 4cm - - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 1.1kg
Price Rp 260.000
Isi 2 workbooks, CD-ROM with educational software, 1 set of flash cards, wipe-clean mat, 3 wipe-clean pens/markers. - Kemasan box tenteng ukuran 36x30cm ketebalan 4cm - - Language: English - Published by Hinkler Books Australia - Estimasi berat: 1.1kg
1 box berisi:
- Alphabet Express Workbook (64 pages)
- Alphabet Express CD-ROM berisi educational game tentang alphabet.
- ABC Dot-to-Dot Workbook (64 pages)
- Go Fish Alphabet Flash Cards (56 cards, belajar mengenal alphabet sambil bermain Go Fish mencocokan kartu huruf besar dan kartu huruf kecil).
- Alphabet Wipe-Clean Mat - Lowercase Letters (ukuran 32x23.5cm bahan karton tebal glossy, untuk mengenalkan huruf kecil dan latihan tracing/menulis huruf kecil, bisa tulis-hapus).- Wipe-off markers 3 warna (hitam, biru, merah)
- Alphabet Express Workbook (64 pages)
- Alphabet Express CD-ROM berisi educational game tentang alphabet.
- ABC Dot-to-Dot Workbook (64 pages)
- Go Fish Alphabet Flash Cards (56 cards, belajar mengenal alphabet sambil bermain Go Fish mencocokan kartu huruf besar dan kartu huruf kecil).
- Alphabet Wipe-Clean Mat - Lowercase Letters (ukuran 32x23.5cm bahan karton tebal glossy, untuk mengenalkan huruf kecil dan latihan tracing/menulis huruf kecil, bisa tulis-hapus).- Wipe-off markers 3 warna (hitam, biru, merah)
http://kidsgiggles.blogspot.co.id/ menyediakan berbagai macam koleksi buku anak import berbahasa Inggris dan mainan anak edukatif untuk bayi dan anak-anak,
seperti board book / boardbook / hardbook, bedtime story books, softbooks, popup books, music and sound books, lift the flap books,
sticker books, puzzle books, activity books, character building books, fun science books, colouring / painting books, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.
Warehouse Location: Jakarta,
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